Cable Locks
Logan in AZ
This lock has been great, especially for the price. The length is okay, but you definitely need to park close to whatever you're locking your bike to.
Read All ReviewsAnonymous in NC
Very confident that this will help keep my bikes safe. Nice job
Read All ReviewsLudwig in UT
you ever see Black Snake Moan? Oh ya, then you got the picture...
Read All Reviewsmark in FL
Nice use for locking up the bike and very good quality and rubber protection is nice.
Read All ReviewsBen in UT
This lock is a pretty beefy lock, which is pretty comforting when you are depending on it to protect your precious motorcycle! Finding just the right spot to slide it through the disk isn't always the easiest and the plastic scuffs just a bit, but nothing that is going to affect the real application of the lock. The provided keys worked great and you have five of them, so hopefully it should be impossible to never know where at least one of them are! It's a great lock. (I used mine on a dirt bike if anyone was wondering if you could do such a thing)
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