Riding Packs
Brittany in WA
Not sure I would like this over a backpack but I wear it more often than my backpack holds 2 bottles of water and all my tools, phone, spare nuts bolts, chain link, rag, first aid kit, tow strap, and I'm sure there's more. Fits good no complaints for me.
Read All ReviewsCRAIG in GA
Love all the storage and how comfortable it is. Cant even tell you got it on
Read All Reviewsschaffer in IA
Racing HS and enduros, its the perfect capacity for water and supplies. I'm an infrequent water drinker unless I get stopped or start getting cotton mouth, so 1L is great. There is a second zipper inside the main body where I store gels and can remove the outer pouch. The carry capacity would be good for carrying thin tools and MAYBE an ultralight rain layer but nothing bulky unless you run the water capacity low. It's a little awkward getting it fitted correctly but once you dial in a comfy position you wont think about it again. I genuinely dont notice it while I'm riding, its just stuck to me. The only mod you have to do is trimming the water line to your preferred length.
Read All ReviewsParrish in SC
I have the xc70 also, but the xc100 fits everything I like to carry now, should of bought it first
Read All ReviewsKris in OR
Love this. I've had 2 of them. (lost one while a Good Samaritan was giving me a ride back to camp with a broken collarbone). Great space, quality, very high quality water bladder, goggle pouch fits great, and the toolkit is passable. I'm a fan. When the bladder finally breaks, go with a Manama designs bladder.
Read All ReviewsTanner in ON
Nice quality fanny pack. Not the biggest fan of the zipper positioning when closed, if you don't ensure it's 100% tightly closed, it will work its way open. Just keep an eye on it.
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